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ZEDEDA Edge Academy Launches New Edge Computing Certification

August 22, 2023

zededa certification program

Last winter we announced the ZEDEDA Certification Program, part of ZEDEDA Edge Academy, enabling ZEDEDA customers, partners, and employees to validate their knowledge and skills with ZEDEDA’s edge management and orchestration solution. Today I’m excited to announce the newest addition to our certification program, the ZEDEDA Certified Edge Computing Associate (ZCEA) certification. 

The ZCEA certification is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about the fundamentals of the edge computing industry. As the leader in edge management and orchestration, ZEDEDA is well-positioned to educate people in the value, challenges, and key industries poised to benefit. ZCEA ensures that the successful candidate has the essential knowledge necessary to understand the overall distributed edge market. The course is free and vendor-agnostic, and the certificate can be shared on resumes, online profiles and job boards.

ZCEA is an important addition to the ZEDEDA Certification Program. It joins the existing ZEDEDA Certified Edge Orchestration Professional (ZCEP) certification, which validates that an individual has the understanding and skills necessary to perform end-to-end configuration, implementation, and operational management of the ZEDEDA edge management and orchestration solution. 

ZCEA is also a natural next step in the mission of ZEDEDA Edge Academy, providing our customers, partners, and the general public with free educational resources such as e-learning courses, how-to videos and more.

Details about the new ZCEA or the ZCEP, including exam blueprints, prep materials and instructions on how to get certified, are available at ZEDEDA Edge Academy. Those interested in getting certified can enroll and register today.

Are you ready to get started? Learn more about the ZEDEDA Certified Edge Computing Associate certification today.

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