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Keeping Pace with Industrial Digital Transformation and Sustainability

July 8, 2022

According to the ARC Advisory Group, “Technologies like cloud, machine learning, edge computing, IoT, cybersecurity technology, additive manufacturing, augmented reality, and more are enabling new business processes and obscuring traditional functional boundaries. OT, IT, and ET teams are growing their skills and capabilities and transforming real-time operations.” In order to educate folks on the current state of these innovative technologies and the wave of digital transformation, the ARC Advisory Group recently hosted its online virtual event, “Accelerating Industrial Digital Transformation and Sustainability,” for three days. 

To recap, the topics addressed during the sessions included: 

  • AI and Machine Learning 
  • Automation Innovations 
  • 21st Century Operations: Where IT, OT, and ET Converge 
  • Cybersecurity for the Connected Industrial World 
  • Digital Workforce and Culture
  • Industrial IoT Platforms, Edge Infrastructure, and End Devices 


Throughout the event, industry leaders and group panels discussed the ways in which industrial innovating is accelerating, causing a new focus around sustainability, circular economy, and climate change. This is also causing the need for companies to modernize and embrace digital transformational change. Here are a few examples of top-of-mind questions that were addressed during the keynotes and panel discussions: 

  • How have recent disruptions (i.e. the pandemic) changed attitudes towards digital transformation? 
  • How are companies approaching sustainability with digital transformation?
  • How are folks integrating AI strategies across their organizations? 


Multiple leaders agreed that leveraging new technologies and processes to transform their business and manufacturing operations is the only way to keep pace with the latest industry changes. Based on the discussions, here are some key takeaways to consider:  

  • Ensure you’re thoroughly understanding your customers and markets – and utilize that knowledge to drive digital transformation
  • Comprehend the challenges and expectations of digital transformation and formulate your organizational makeup accordingly 
  • Begin to implement the right technology and integrate appropriate strategies in order to accelerate business responsiveness and competitive excellence (leverage software as a competitive advantage)
  • Adopt an AI consciousness, view AI from a cultural perspective, and implement AI approaches across organizations 


If you missed the ARC virtual event, and would like more in-depth strategy recommendations, you can browse the ARC forum page to recap the sessions. Plus, if you’d like to discover more insights on transforming your digital transformation strategy with edge computing technology, check out ZEDEDA’s Transform Developer Day Series.

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