Future-Proof Your Edge Strategy: Read Gartner’s Market Guide on Edge Computing

ZEDEDA named “Leader” and “Outperformer” by GigaOm

April 10, 2023

ZEDEDA was recently honored to be named a leader in the recent GigaOm Radar for Kubernetes for Edge Computing report. In order to achieve this, ZEDEDA rated “Exceptional” in 11 different categories, receiving the highest possible rankings for all key criteria: interoperability, lifecycle management, customized deployment support and connectivity. You can learn more by downloading the report here.


The report also gave ZEDEDA exceptional ratings in the evaluation metrics of architecture, flexibility, scalability, and manageability and ease of use — the top-line characteristics that define the impact each will have on the organization. ZEDEDA was thrilled to garner this distinction, as deploying Kubernetes at the edge is complicated and requires solving a number of challenges unique to edge environments.

As Enrico Signoretti pointed out in his recent blog, CXO Insight: Delivering on Edge Infrastructure, “Edge infrastructure has little in common with traditional data center infrastructure. Whilst data centers have well-defined boundaries, edge has many more variables and challenges to take into account. Many edge deployments have revealed this in the worst possible way, by failing miserably in their first attempts.”

We couldn’t agree more. The challenges of deploying Kubernetes at the edge are very specific, and usually evolve around security and scale, as well as software & hardware diversity. Every one of these issues is further completed by the need for cloud connectivity. Without a way to centrally manage and orchestrate all of these tasks, you are essentially “flying blind.”

That’s where ZEDEDA comes in. We optimize your Kubernetes experience at the edge, instantly increasing the visibility, security and control of your infrastructure and applications.

  • ZEDEDA provides a Zero Trust security model, addressing the unique perimeter-less, mission-critical security needs of the edge. 
  • ZEDEDA has Zero Limits, so you can quickly scale to unlimited devices, from any cloud, on any hardware or operating system. 
  • ZEDEDA utilizes a Zero Touch deployment model, so you can efficiently on-board and manage unlimited applications on any hardware directly from the cloud.

Talk to us to learn more.

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