ZEDEDA Security Architecture

ZEDEDA Security ArchitectureDistributed edge computing requires addressing typical IT security concerns when it comes to network and application security, including configuring credentials and keys. But it also requires addressing unique threats that are introduced when deploying diverse physical infrastructure in the field. Examples of this include threats due to physical access, such as stealing devices or replacing firmware through local USB ports. Additional threats are introduced due to a common lack of a network perimeter in the form of firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Exacerbating all of the above is a mix of skill sets in the field, with more limited availability of IT security support compared to in the cloud.

ZEDEDA’s goal is to eliminate such security concerns for the deployment of hardware and applications at the distributed edge by providing a holistic approach built for the ground up.

This white paper outlines the key features of both EVE-OS and ZEDCloud, each of which has been architected with a security-first approach. Topics include:

  • EVE-OS security architecture
  • Firmware and software integrity
  • Networking and I/O connectivity
  • Encrypted data store
  • ZEDCloud controller
  • ZEDCloud security

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