Future-Proof Your Edge Strategy: Read Gartner’s Market Guide on Edge Computing
Cloud-native, container-first application delivery has always focused on the container orchestration platform itself. Yet, there is a tremendous amount of complexity that needs to be dealt with before your k3s binary can run and give you the desired Kubernetes APIs to play with. While this gap can be filled with one of the traditional Linux distributions, the rise of the specialized operating systems like SmartOS, CoreOS, linuxkit, k3os and fully integrated products like VMWare’s Tanzu suggests that a system that is engineered from scratch to run container-first workloads may provide a much better alternative.
Join Roman Shaposhnik, co-founder and head of Product and Strategy at ZEDEDA for a whirlwind tour of the previous efforts in the space dating all the way back to his time working on Sun’s container technology for network.com. The discussion will focus on: