Future-Proof Your Edge Strategy: Read Gartner’s Market Guide on Edge Computing

Edge computing has gained momentum over the past several years, driven by the exponential increase in data and the need to analyze this data closer to the source to gain valuable insights. This trend further increased in the spring of 2020, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, putting immediate pressure on organizations to find new ways of conducting business that enabled remote work, improved efficiency, and cut costs. As typical of any emerging technology, despite this growing interest there is also a lot of confusion in the market.

Read this survey report to better understand the current edge computing landscape through the eyes of edge decision makers and practitioners. Survey topics include:

  • Drivers behind edge computing projects today
  • Challenges and barriers to adoption
  • Cloud adoption trends as related to the edge
  • Edge computing investment expectations


Methodology: This survey was conducted by EMC Research in the fall of 2021, with a total of 153 qualified respondents.

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